I set about removing the boot as this was the last attached part on the car. This is one of those difficult to do jobs on your own, the hatch has to be open which when you remove the last bolt means that you have to drop what tools your holding and quickly grab the hatch as it falls. I was lucky to have Wayne around to give me a hand, still a bit of a juggling act.
With the boot hatch removed I set about removing anything that was bolted to the inside of the car, this meant basically every earth point, seat belts, all plastics above the belt line. This was a nice easy job, with my impact gun in one hand and a 10mm socket / 13mm attachment everything is quickly removed.
With most of the plastics removed I was able to remove the roof lining, since Rich and Dave chopped through it removing the glass removing the panel meant simply folding it in half and dragging it through the boot.
With the lining out I could set about removing the side air bags, this is simply 10 bolts and a electrical connection. I still do not like moving air bags and the side impact air bag is like a huge snake so I tried to be as careful as possible removing it and all was good.
Next the mag alloy dash section need to be removed. I have been talking with the designers of this part about the possibility of removing this to be replaced with a steel frame but have been advised that the weight of steel is a lot more than the mag alloy and the alloy takes a lot of body twist from the car, though I am OK to remove it to continue with the project. The dash section was quickly removed using the impact gun. The section also supports the steering which now means the steering is quite limited.
With the dash support out I was able to remove the auto AC, this could have gone a little better as it sounded like it snapped in half when I tried to remove it, more investigation to this is required as it could now be scrap.
Next on my to do list was the wiring from the rear quarter of the car. A nice simple and easy job, just unplug bits and remove them, I actually had the best time of the day removing the wires, a very satisfying job and it really made a huge difference to the car. Now I am left with a huge pile of wires! Who would have thought a car would need so many wires...
With the electrics out of the rear I set about removing the sun roof or maybe trying to get into hospital. I removed all the bolts which seamed to hold the full length sun roof in, once they where all in, nothing the roof didn't move, I tried pulling it and it only moved a little so sitting in the middle of the car I turned over to crawl out the boot of the car when the roof decided it was going to release its self. It landed on my back which managed to break its fall ensuring all the glass was safe, as I sit here typing this I can still feel where it landed. Best part is its out.
Last part of the day which left the biggest result was the removal of the carpet, this simply lifted out to reveal a 6v battery and a silver box, looks like the car was once fitted with a tracker, interest got the better of me so I un-soldered the wires and took it out for further investigation on what the internals are like, I think its just a phone and GPS system?
Finally some finishing shots for the week. Hope you enjoyed it.
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