Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Just a bit of body welding

With the tailgate in place I decided that I would concentrate my time on finishing the frame of the car ready for the roll cage and the roof skin. Within no time the final B pillar was welded and in a state ready to be polished smooth.

My plan now is to get all the welding done so that I am able to remove the supporting frame as the movement within the car has now become difficult. Partly because I am not getting any thinner and the car is feeling a lot smaller with the roof skin back on.

Once the B pillar was completed I moved the the A pillar and decided that I would finish the inside, I knew this would be easy and hence I had left it to the last thing to weld. Within no time this was welded into place.

Now that all the welding has been done for the moment I have decided that I will remove the frame from the inside of the car and spend some time cleaning all the welds and will have to plan the roll cage.
I would expect the next few weeks will really see the car looking more complete and I may even have time to start working on my plans for the rear lights...

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Another tailgate and the start of roof trouble

After fitting the tailgate decided that I was simply not happy with the fit and finish, it wouldn't sit as I wanted. It would appear that this is not a stock item but a copy part and would not fit correctly. I decided that using another tailgate I would have another go.

To ensure that I get the hatch in the perfect position I decided that I was going to take another approach to the problem, I decided that chopping the roof skin and placing it on the car. This however was not as simple as I would have wished, I first had to fetch it down from the roof space which on my own was tricky, with the roof skin down I started cutting it which it almost immediately lost its shape so I can already see that this is going to be tricky to out back together so lets hope its not too hard.

First I placed the skin on the car too see the size difference, as you can see in the picture the car is a lot bigger.

The roof skin was then marked out ready for cutting, I decided to do this outside where the grass would soften the sheet metal falling as it was cut.

With the roof cut into 6 sections, I then started to place the sections onto the car. The 4 outer sections sat on the roof and the middle needed the central brace welding in.

With a few cuts I was back in the same position but this time the tailgate fitted the way I wanted it too

I then set about to joining up the tail gate